The goal of the Genomics Platform is to analyze and dissect from a genetic point of view complex phenotypes, i.e. pathologies like hypertension or dementia, and elements of clinical interest like the response to drugs (pharmacogenetics). The Platform makes use of last generation technologies for genotyping, gene expression and genome sequencing that allow for production of high-density and high-speed genetic and genomic data, thanks to an automated system for managing these processes.

Biological data generation is supported by data analysis through methods ranging from statistical genetics to bioinformatics analysis of data to in silico reconstruction of molecular pathways to the definition of the pathology model. The Platform's directors possess a long experience in the genetic analysis of complex traits that allowed for identification of genes involved in the etiology of schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension and, more recently, has brought to the formulation of predictive models of responses to antipsychotic and anti-hypertension drugs or to improving the efficiency of erythropoietin in patients undergoing dialysis treatment. Generalization of these approaches is possible for each pathology or trait presenting a genetic component, including genetic traits besides humans like, for examples, the already started process for improving the quality and safety of food by means of genetic selection of mammals (pigs and cattle for example).

Daniele Cusi

Professor of Nefrology,
University of Milan

Fabio Macciardi

Professor of Medical Genetics,
University of Milan
and Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatric Genetics,
University of Toronto, Canada